Friday, March 6, 2015

9 MARCH 2015

MONDAY: Complete the "Limiting Focus/Adding Detail" sheet.
TUESDAY: Today, we will write a paragraph per Monday's work.
WEDNESDAY: Today, we will begin Essay 5.
THURSDAY: Today, we will continue Essay 5.
FRIDAY: Today, we will submit Essay 5.

PERIODS 2, 4, 5, 7
MONDAY: Today, we continue to work on "The Dinner Party."

TUESDAY: Complete the suspense and main idea sheet per "The Dinner Party."

WEDNESDAY: Complete the contextual clues activity for "A Running Brook of Horror."

THURSDAY: Study for a quiz on vocabulary from "A Running Brook of Horror."

FRIDAY: Complete the highlighting-chunking; plot; and double entry sheets per "A Running Brook of Horror."

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